Thursday, March 23, 2017

I woke up Wednesday and the chill from a cold front seemed to be lingering.  I opened up the doors to our front porch and turned on Pandora trying to wake my tired body and limbs up... get myself going.  

We did our normal breakfast routine and then headed to our porch to water our tiny sprouts.  I have been feeling lately that Myra needs more time outdoors and learning through normal, daily hands on chores... So we planted some left over seeds that had been gifts for those who came to the kids birthday party.  She squealed and laughed as she stuck her hands in the soil and pushed the seeds deep into the surface.  I knew right then that this whole planting thing was a wonderful idea.

Then came the sprouts just a few short days later... when she saw the beautiful green leaves popping up over the surface of the rich brown soil, her eyes widened and looked at me while jumping up and down exclaiming, "IM SO EXCITED" (a popular phrase for Myra).  

Her excitement for these little plants has really helped turn my thumb from brown to green, and those little sprouts keep growing and reaching for the sunlight.  

After watering our plants that chilly morning we decided to plant even more seeds.

As soon as the sun warmed the air, we all got dressed and headed to the nursery.  

Like Myra, I am very excited to watch these grow and see them turn into flowers, carrots and basil!  Maybe someday when we have a house the two of us can't plant a large garden together complete with strawberries, cucumbers, radishes, tomatoes and more!  

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