Friday nights are usually date night for us but this past week I had an activity with the youth of our church that I had to go to so Jordan and I decided to go early on our date and let the kids join us. We have been dying to try a new burger joint near us called, Burgerfi. It was DELICIOUS....especially the onion rings ;).
We enjoyed a yummy rootbeer float before the dinner came out made from old-fashioned rootbeer and Myra really went to town on it.
I love trying new food places and generally I love and eat up one-on-one time with Jordan but it ended up being a perfect night with all four of us! PLUS when I got home from my activity, Jordan had laid out a blanket with tons and tons of pillows for a movie/games/home date night... So I guess we got a family night and date night all in one day (although I actually fell asleep on it about two seconds later hahaha) ;)... That boy is the best i tell ya! ;)
Wow. Those o-rings look fabulous! And your Jordan is the bomb!!!