Monday, February 9, 2015

Med School Life

My adorable and sweet friend over at the blog Mrs. Med School is putting together some thoughts from med school wives around the Country and asked me if I would write a little something about my experience as a med school wife in hopes to help out other med school wives and future med school wives.  While I only have half a year of experience I went for it and thought I would share a little here... 

Hello! My name is Hailey Mabey.  My husband is in his first year at University of Central Florida and we are loving it.  Are there hard days? YES.  Hard WEEKS.  Definitely. But there are also awesome days and easy peasy weeks.   For us, some days he is home by noon and we get to go play at Disney World for the rest of the day.  And other times (test weeks) he is gone before our baby wakes up in the morning and gets home far past her bed time and then continues to study once he gets home.  The laundry piles up, the dishes pile up and I am still in my pajamas from the night before and they are covered in baby food.  But despite this I can absolutely say that I have never in my life been happier.  The first few months away from family were really difficult for me and I would sleep with my baby blanket at night and cry into it because the smell of it reminded me of home.  But as time went on I eventually MADE the decision to be happy.  I read ten happiness tips from Gordon B. Hinkley, wrote them down on a piece of paper with a sparkly crayon and stuck it on my fridge. I eventually blossomed into a happier person and began to love the stage of life that were are at.  I laugh more, I stress less and cry far less.  Before coming out here many people gave me the advice that I needed to make friends with other med school wives and get out of the house.  While I agree with this, I believe the most important thing is to choose happiness.  I still have hard days, but I don’t cry into my baby blanket at night anymore! :) Here is a little summary of the steps.

1.The purpose of life is to be HAPPY!
3.God is in charge, stay POSITIVE.
4.Set realistic GOALS.
7.Improve ATTITUDE. Positive>Negative.
8.Happiness requires WORK.
9.Study things that matter.
10.READ more.

And remember… Your husband is doing this not just for himself but for YOU!  Of course he would rather watch a movie with you than study (We hope :)).  But he is studying and working hard so that he can provide a wonderful living for you someday.    Love him, encourage him and be easy to forgive.  

My last tip is to do something everyday for yourself.  Somethings I do that help bring some happiness to my soul… Read or watch a show while the baby sleeps (Gilmore Girls anyone??), make some caramel and eat a TON of it, buy something online, go to a play date with YOUR friends, start up or continue doing a hobby… the list goes on.  Yes, money is tight, but don’t get so caught up in not spending any money that you have no fun. Make a budget and allow there to be money for some fun things.  You don’t want to spend ten years anxious for when you will be making money so that you can finally have fun.  You don’t want to wish your life away, have a little fun NOW.  Go out on a date, buy that dress you have wanted for weeks, and make sure your pantry is always stocked with chocolate!  Regardless of what people think or say, they do provide enough loans for you to live like a human being.  Like I said, BUDGET it!  

You can do this!  You are not alone.  There are thousands of people out there who know just what you’re going through and I am praying for you med school wives EVERY morning.  Give your selves a pat on the back!  Sending love to all of you! XOXO


  1. oh yes, i agree with the do something for yourself every day. that's why netflix published all the seasons of friends, right? lol

  2. My husband isn't in med school, but he is preparing to go to graduate school and is finishing up his undergrad right now. I feel like this list is going to help me and already does help me a ton! I am super anxious to move even further away from family (they are 3 hours away right now) for school, so hearing that even though it will be though, that it gets easier makes me feel so good!Thank you for that!

    1. WONDERFUL! I wish i would have just made this post for all women... we are all on the same team! It does get better with time! you can do it :)

  3. i love this post, it's so perfect & what i needed to hear today. my husband is not in med school, but he's in a 1 year mba program which means 2 years of school crammed into 1, so he is constantly busy, leaving early & staying late, the whole thing. i'm lucky that it is only one year, but it still gets so hard sometimes. but like you said, he is doing it for our whole fmaily, not just himself, & in the long run it is all worth it :)

    1. Like I mentioned to Rachel...I definitely should have made this post for all girls!! We all understand each other with those crazy busy hubbys of ours. and YES, it is so worth it. WE CAN DO HARD THINGS!!! :) xoxo

  4. I thoroughly enjoyed this post! And LOVE the tips from President Hinckley. I have such a hard time sometimes remembering to enjoy life in all of its stages, and not wishing to be 'done with school' or whatever, but it's important to be happy everyday, and to choose joy everyday. I think before we know it the time passes and we end up wishing we could go back. Also your daughter's dress is so cute! Love it!

    1. Thank you!!! Time does go by soooo quickly. Thank goodness for those prophets to help bring some perspective into our lives to help us along right!? xoxo

  5. These pictures!!!! Oh my. I like your list too, though I'm a wife of a physics major. They were helpful for me too!

    1. haha thank you!! I'm glad it was helpful. And a Physics major?! hats off to him... that stuff is HARD!!!

  6. What a touching post! I love you so much baby girl. Keep up the great work you are doing. You are an amazing and wonderful person. Thanks for always being such a great example. HUGS!!!
