-Winston Churchill
"we are a species that keeps moving forward, seeing new sights in new ways, and enjoying the journey."
-Martha Beck
I was reading in D&C yesterday and it talked about how we need patience, faith, and hope in our lives. And if we have those qualities and keep the commandments, we will be exalted on high and we will be able to accomplish all that the Lord has set out for us to do.
Now, you hear it all the time ya know? But for me it was always something that came in one ear and then out the other. It is very much so that in trial you learn more, and can sculpt yourself into a better person than before. So, when I read this scripture it really motivated me....it was what I needed to realize at this specific time in my life.
It's only been two days, but can I just tell you how much I can already feel my life changing?
I know there are going to be really hard days, days that everything feels like its going wrong and it makes me not feel faithful in the Lord. But, those will be the days when I become a stronger person through enduring through it with a hopeful and faithful heart.
With true intent to have a change of heart, I believe that a person can change for the better within seconds. Happiness truly is a choice! Isn't it wonderful that we can choose that?
Do you have any experiences or realizations like this??? I would love to hear!
I hope you have a lovely weekend full of happiness! :)
photo courtesy of maryvrobinson.blogspot.com
You may think that I don't live like I believe it, but I truly DO believe it! I KNOW that happiness is a state of mind. It IS a choice. It is just a lesson that I cycle through over and over and over again.
ReplyDeleteThey say it isn't how many times you fall down that matters -just that you keep on getting up. I hope that is true, because I am a serial stumbler :-)
But ultimately, I try to trust God and allow him to guide my life. For when I do that, I am truly at peace, and I put the things in life that cause me stress into God's hands, and trust that he will carry the load. When I do, he always lifts the load, and brings comfort to my frantic soul.